for SOFTSIDE Waterbeds

Mattress kits for a softside waterbed? 

Softside waterbed mattress kits are specially designed for soft sided waterbeds. If you would like to replace your old waterbed mattress, liner and waterbed heater. Then choose which mattress stability best suits you and select your options. The ST1000 mattress kit has the most movement all the way up to the ST5500 which has the least water movement.

The waterbed heater/s we include are the 240Watt Carbon Classic heater with the one mattress kits and 200Watt Silvertec heaters for the Twin mattress kits.

The waterbed safety liner is a thick flat safety liner. Which folds into place and will last years with no seams on the corners to split.

We have also included a one year bottle of waterbed conditioner and an air extractor to get you up and running.

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