for HARDSIDE Waterbeds

Hardsided/traditional framed…

waterbed mattress kits are to replace your old mattress kit. The term “hardside” mattress kit relates to the waterbed frame and not the mattress sides being hard. So if your waterbed has a timber frame and the waterbed mattress sits straight up against the timber frame. Your waterbed will be a hardsided or TRADITIONAL frame waterbeds.

All you need to do now is discover which mattress kit suits you best. So have a look at each of the five choices. The HT1000 kit has the most water movement up-to the HT5500 kit which has the least water movement.

Once you think you have decided on your stability you can select your size options. If you aren’t sure what size bed you have just measure between the frame sides. Or call us a nd we can help with your traditional frame waterbeds size.

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