Aqua Mattress / Aqua Pro Mattress

Upgrade to Aqua PRO mattress today.Aqu Pro Waterbed PicSale

The Aqua Mattress / Aqua Pro mattress are true waterbeds without the base support. The orthopedic benefits of a waterbed means you will greatly reduce pressure points; which is the first building block in creating a deep sleep. They are a combinations of high quality waterbed parts that make up an extremely comfy mattress. If you already own an old waterbed and you’re wanting to replace the top part of it but feel your bottom base is Ok. Then the Aqua mattress you would love. People also buy these when they feel like taking on a home project, and make the base for themselves.

The AquaPro mattress comes with upgrades such as a Deluxe mattress of your choice. A Digital Carbon Fibre waterbed heater, Double Jersey zip on and off cover. High density and very long lasting foam shoulders. Simply click on the mattresses to discover more about these mattresses.

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